Posts Tagged ‘ Criticism ’

Family Darts

MP900178824[1]Words spoken by those we love most can be the most pleasant, or the  most painful of all words!

When David was a shepherd boy, he visited his brothers on the field of battle. Instead of welcoming him and enjoying the bonds of family, David was greeted with an angry rebuke.

His eldest brother Eliab heard him talking to the men; and Eliab’s anger was kindled against David. He said, “Why have you come down? With whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know your presumption and the evil of your heart; for you have come down just to see the battle.” 1 Samuel 17:28 NRSV

00037090OUCH!! Instead of celebrating his brother’s arrival, Eliab threw a fit. As part of his tantrum, he tossed a few painful darts David’s way.

Have you ever been blindsided by family or friends? It can be pretty painful! 

I’m not sure Eliab was intentionally trying to hurt David. His anger might have come from his own frustration and sense of impotence.  After all, he and the rest of Israel’s army were paralyzed in the shadow of the great warrior Goliath.

When defeat seems certain and the future looks grim, many people lash out at innocent friends and family. I wonder if many of the darts we throw at each other don’t also come out of frustration, stress and feelings of helplessness?

As I read about the rest of David’s visit to the battlefield, I was surprised00353635 to see that those nasty comments didn’t distract or deter him one little  bit. Thankfully, David wasn’t hurt or discouraged by his brother’s anger. He was only interested in what God could do in this military standoff. So he stepped up to the plate, and defeated the giant!

That tells me that when darts start flying my way, it is time to put the truth of God’s Word, and the promises God made, front and center in my heart and mind. Those truths will guard my heart and mind, and guide my steps. They will keep me from obsessing over thoughtless comments, from surrendering to my circumstances, and from falling into a pit of despair.

MP900424396[1] Victorious Christians stay focused on the truth. They refuse to be swayed by the opinions of others. Instead, they choose to be persuaded by God and God’s promises!

Stay focused on truth,

and leave the darts behind!